Emotion Sickness 101-102 (Patreon)
Here are the colors for page 101-102 of Emotion Sickness. Beast Boy and Starfire continue working together to make for a good experience for Raven.
Here are the lines for page 101-102 of Emotion Sickness. Beast Boy and Starfire continue working together to give Raven a good time.
This here's just an obligatory montage spread of the characters before wrapping up the scene.
I finally seem to be sleeping properly again, although I ended last weekend with a very long sleep, which got me stuck on waking up in the evening again. This is in a way sort of like starting a whole day late for the week, although still kind of not, since I have enough time before sleep to get more stuff done, and as such I'll still be waking up with time to have colors done by the normal time Friday. However, there is a chance I may end up uploading sooner than usual, if I feel doing so will be most practical to being able to sleep more properly, as I've been waking up after the normal upload time. Regardless, I'll definitely try and not be later than usual.