Emotion Sickness 39 (Patreon)
Here are the colors for page 39 of Emotion Sickness. Robin ties to explain he intended to pull out, but gets chewed out for not knowing his team well enough. Starfire, on the other hand, offers to eat out instead.
Here are the lines for page 39 of Emotion Sickness. Robin tries to explain he intended to pull out, but much like with Starfire, that would have been her least preferred course of action.
Ugh, should have had this done much earlier, but my sleep schedule is messed up again, I couldn't decide how to handle the pacing of this transition (I decided on the speeding it up option), and to top it off my hand started hurting today while lining, so that slowed things down substantially as I took the step slow. Oh well, got the lines done and now I can let the hand rest a little bit.