Emotion Sickness Page 18 (Patreon)
The colors for page 18 of Emotion Sickness are now complete. Raven notices Beast Boy is ready for action so she entices him into fixing his clothing issues with an offer he can't refuse.
I also just updated the comic archive for this comic for $5+ patrons. I would liked to have done so sooner, but I prefer to update it with the final finished page of a month, and it just so happened this month ends right at the end of a week.
Here are the lines for page 18 of Emotion Sickness. Raven entices Beast Boy to fix his current clothing problem and he is more than willing to oblige.
Bah, I should have been done with this sooner, but I spent several hours yesterday getting a medical procedure done, which ate up enough time on its own, but then working afterwards was problematic due to pain setting in once the numbness of the anesthetic began to wear off. It's nothing life threatening, but I will have to have repeat procedures throughout the upcoming weeks, so it will be a recurring issue, but I won't let it fully interrupt my ability to update throughout the week.