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“To... Toshiro...” Hana murmured, her voice trembling, as Toshiro lifted her chin. There was a hint of resistance in her actions, but her moist, overflowing eyes and shy expression suggested otherwise, almost like an invitation.

For Toshiro, who had put a lid on his sex life for the past year, it was hard to control his restless heart in this moment. Orochimaru and his schemes could wait until later. Right now, nothing holds his attention more than the young woman before him.

Just as he was about to take further action and pull her into his arms, a burst of rapid footsteps approached, interrupting his intentions.

“Toshiro-sama, Fugaku-sama has something urgent to discuss with you; he ordered me to accompany you!” came the rhythmic knock on the door, followed by the unwelcome voice of Uchiha Hitetsu, a chunin guard in the prison.

“Ah~” Hana gasped softly, covering her mouth in surprise, clearly worried that the noise might attract more attention.

“Shh~” Toshiro made a silent gesture, raising his index finger to his lips, before addressing the door, “Fugaku-sama? What does he need from me?”

As he spoke, he gestured toward his bedroom. Hana, understanding his intention, stood frozen, her face turning as red as a tomato, giving Toshiro an irresistible urge.

“Something big happened in the village. The clan leader can't leave, so he sent me to bring you!” Hitetsu's voice persisted.

“Just tell him I’m not available. If it's important, the captain can manage without me!” Toshiro replied, pulling Hana into his arms and kissing her deeply, disregarding Hitetsu outside. His residence was well-protected with seals and barriers, ensuring privacy.

Hana’s face pressed against Toshiro's chest, his breath on her ear making her hands and feet weak. The presence of Hitetsu outside made her struggle, like prey caught in a trap, but her resistance soon faded. Her weak attempts at resistance felt more like encouragement to Toshiro, making him more bold.

Toshiro’s arm around Hana’s waist moved slightly, his hand tracing her smooth skin, clearly not satisfied.

“Toshiro-sama! Chief Fugaku has made a special request for you to come over. Several key members from the first and second branches are also here. It seems something important is happening!” Hitetsu persisted from outside, unwilling to abandon the task assigned by the clan leader.

The persistent knocking continued.

Boom, boom, boom!

As the door was knocked on again, Hana seemed to come to her senses. She broke away from Toshiro’s arms and, like a frightened deer, rushed into Toshiro’s bedroom and disappeared.

“Fugaku, that bastard, disturbing my rest so late, you really are a pain,” Toshiro sighed as he opened the door slightly, blocking the entrance to prevent Hitetsu from entering. “I’m just a warden. Chief Fugaku handles security matters.”

He knew that if he didn't send this stubborn man away, he wouldn't have peace tonight. He couldn’t let Hitetsu in, or he’d find evidence of Hana’s presence immediately. Remembering her flushed and panting face, Toshiro was eager to return to her.

“However, things are different this time. Hikitsune-san of the first branch has some big plans to discuss. It's very important!” Hitetsu quickly explained, trying to emphasize the urgency.

Seeing Toshiro finally open the door, Hitetsu seemed dissatisfied with the delay and peered inside, finding nothing unusual. He reiterated the importance of the matter.

Toshiro frowned, looking at Hitetsu with a somewhat unimpressed expression. This interruption was truly frustrating. He had sensed someone leaving from his bedroom window moments ago and didn’t need to guess who it was.

“What on earth is going on?” Toshiro asked, his frustration evident in his voice.

He wondered if it was too late to chase after Hana now. Dealing with Hitetsu at every turn made him regret not paying more attention to his subordinates whereabouts. He didn’t even know her specific address—some boss he was.

“…It's confidential!” Hitetsu continued, his voice hushed. He revealed his Sharingan and glanced around to ensure no one was eavesdropping. He then moved closer to Toshiro and whispered a few words carefully.

After sharing the news, Hitetsu noticed something odd. Why did Toshiro have a faint perfume fragrance? Maybe he had just taken a shower, and the scent was from his shower gel. Toshiro’s taste seemed quite unique.

Despite addressing him as 'Toshiro-sama' Hitetsu didn’t hold much respect for him. He had watched Toshiro grow up and only addressed him so formally because of his position and role in helping restore the clan’s reputation after the Night of the Nine Tails attack.

Toshiro frowned at Hitetsu’s whispered news. “Go on ahead. I’ll change my clothes and head to the HQ right away.”

“Yes, sir!” Hitetsu responded, eyeing Toshiro’s outfit with a twitch of his mouth as if recalling something amusing. He turned and headed towards the headquarters without voicing his thoughts.

Toshiro, meanwhile, didn’t linger at home. The thought of seeking out Hana again was suppressed. He needed to focus on the task at hand.

After changing into an ordinary ninja combat uniform, Toshiro entered the HQ’s meeting room, his expression dark.

"Toshiro is here!"

The dozen or so Uchiha members present turned their attention to him as he arrived.


He responded curtly, offering no pleasantries. If it hadn't been for these people, Hana wouldn’t have had the chance to slip away. He would be enjoying her company now.

With a stern face, Toshiro brushed off the clan members who greeted him and took his reserved seat in the conference room. The Uchiha clan didn’t always go to the shrine for meetings; the HQ’s meeting room often served as their gathering place, especially for smaller discussions.

‘What happened?’

Toshiro thought, noting the varied expressions around him. The speaker from the first branch was flushed and excited, Elder Yinagi of the second branch looked pale, and the clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku, had a grim expression. It was clear something significant was at play other than Orochimaru's incident.

Feeling the tense atmosphere, Toshiro silently assessed the situation. The emotions of the Uchiha members behind him were a mix of excitement, desire, and uneasiness.

"Toshiro, you came just in time!"

Uchiha Homura, the speaker for the first branch, addressed him. "With your presence, what we just discussed will be more certain!"

As Toshiro sat down, still unclear about the situation, Homura continued, "With Toshiro’s great strength and his current reputation in the village, alongside Clan Leader Fugaku, we can change all the injustices we’ve suffered!"

Yinagi, his face livid, interjected, "Homura, do you know what this means? This is a blatant violation of the village’s rules. Have you considered the consequences for the clan? Both the Hokage and the ninjas and civilians will be against us! If we fail, the entire Uchiha clan will be in a desperate situation, facing extinction because of you."

Yinagi's words grew more passionate and distressed as he spoke.

"Elder Yinagi, now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. How can we continue to be patient, even after all the injustices they are trying to do to us?" Homura countered. "The Fourth Hokage is dead, the Third Hokage is old, Jiraiya is missing, Tsunade has run away, and even Orochimaru has defected. This is when the Sandaime's faction is at its weakest!"

"This is the best opportunity God has given us, Uchiha! If we don’t take advantage of this chance to reclaim what’s rightfully ours, we will truly be doomed!"

To emphasize his point, Homura waved his arm and continued, "The Third Hokage letting Orochimaru go proves he is no longer the formidable Ninja he once was. There is nothing to fear!"

Hearing this, Toshiro realized his clan was once contemplating rebellion.