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“Enma, please transform into the Adamantine staff!”


Responding to the Sandaime Hokage’s request without hesitation, the Monkey King Enma sprang into action.


With a puff of smoke, the old monkey vanished, leaving behind a large iron bo-staff with golden ends and a pure black middle.

“Toshiro, if me and Shiromari cooperate, we should be able to drive the Nine-Tails out of the village in one go!”

Handing the Adamantine staff to Toshiro, the Sandaime believed that Toshiro’s summoning beast would wield it effectively to expel the Nine-Tails.

“Next, I need to perform a transformation technique with Enma, so I’ll leave the rest to you!”

“No problem, as long as Enma has no objections!”

Summoning beasts often have temperamental dispositions, especially the powerful ones. Their tempers could be quite daunting.

“It’s fine! Shiromari is more than qualified to cooperate with me!”

Before the Sandaime could respond, an eye appeared in the middle of the staff, looking at Toshiro as he communicated with the Sandaime.

“I didn’t expect to be teaming up with an Uchiha. This is quite unexpected.”

“In that case, let’s begin!”

By now, the Nine-Tails had destroyed the Uchiha fire barrier set up by Toshiro and was heading their way.

If they didn’t respond quickly, it could spell serious trouble, or worse, their demise.


Toshiro threw the iron rod into the air, keeping his gaze fixed on the approaching Nine-Tails. He was simultaneously tracking its movements and using his Sharingan to interfere with Obito’s control.

He knew this interference was unlikely to free the Nine-Tails from control, but his goal was to observe the differences between the Mangekyo Sharingan and his ordinary Sharingan, which would help him prepare for his next eye evolution.

“Extend Enma!”

With the cooperation of the Sandaime Hokage, Enma transformed the iron rod into a massive staff, nearly three feet in diameter and forty to fifty meters in length. Shiromari grasped it and pushed it toward the oncoming Nine-Tails.

With Shiromari’s considerable size and weight, and the Third Hokage’s assistance, the Adamantine staff reached its maximum size and length. In one powerful push, the Nine-Tails was driven out of the village, smashing through the wall on the village’s edge and creating a large hole.

“Don’t relax! The Kyuubi isn’t giving up!”

“Shiromari, keep going!”

“No problem, hold steady!”

Shiromari, holding the enormous Adamantine staff, continued to press the Nine-Tails' body, driving it further away from the village.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As Shiromari sprinted, the buildings near the ravine trembled with his footsteps. Even the nearby Konoha ninjas standing on houses or trees couldn't keep their balance and fell to the ground one after another.

“What tremendous power!!”

“A battle of this magnitude is beyond our capabilities!”

A Konoha ninja who had just landed and stabilized himself looked at the Sandaime and Toshiro standing atop Shiromari. He then glanced at the distant Nine-Tails, dazed.

“Yeah! We're completely out of their league!”

His sigh was soon echoed by the ordinary ninjas around him.

“Look at that! Toshiro-senpai is truly the pride of our academy batch!”

“He’s my best friend!!!” Ebisu said.

Ebisu, who was currently helping civilians injured or buried under debris, felt a surge of pride upon hearing someone praise Toshiro.

“…I think they’re more like 'entertainment' friends!”

“And… Ebisu, you’ve really grown up!”

“At such a young age, you actually dare to visit ‘New Paradise’ in Pleasure Street for entertainment. I guess I can’t treat you like a kid anymore!”

Upon hearing Ebisu’s speech, the ninja who knew him immediately noticed he was still wearing the same bathrobe as Toshiro and couldn’t help but tease him.

“You’d better find something to wear first!”

“Your ass is showing!”


Although the danger wasn’t fully eliminated, the fact that the Nine-Tails had been driven out of the village by the big shots allowed the ordinary ninjas to breathe a sigh of relief. They couldn’t help but start teasing Ebisu!

It was Ebisu’s fault for being so eager to help the villagers that he forgot to find a pair of pants. Plus, while rescuing people from the ruins, his thin bathrobe couldn’t withstand the strain. Now, it had holes all over, barely clinging to his body.


When someone revealed he had been lurking at Pleasure Street, Ebisu’s face turned beet red. Especially when a breeze blew by, he felt an unusual chill below. Unable to stay any longer, he quickly used a Shunshin and disappeared.

“Sandaime! I don’t know if you’ve prepared any countermeasures. If we can’t restrict the Nine-Tails’ movements and need more chakra, even with you, me, Shiromari, and Enma, we can’t hold it off for long!”

“Also, what is the Yondaime doing? So much time has passed since the disaster struck…”

Watching the Nine-Tails’ mouth open wide and a tailed beast bomb form rapidly, Toshiro kept a close eye on its movements while asking the panting Sandaime Hokage next to him.

At this time, the Sandaime had just cooperated with the Enma to perform a large-scale transformation technique. When Shiromari sprinted, the chakra consumed to maintain this ninjutsu had already exhausted his aging body, leaving him breathless.

“I'm unsure about the situation with the Yondaime…”

Hearing Toshiro’s question, the Sandaime was also uncertain. He knew that, with the strength of the Yondaime and Kushina, they must have encountered a formidable enemy. Otherwise, things would not have escalated to this point.

“The Yondaime must be facing significant trouble!”

“It looks like it's up to you and me to hold the line for a bit longer!”

Seeing the gaping mouth of the Kyuubi and the massive blue-black tailed beast bomb forming, the Sandaime Hokage’s eyes widened in alarm. An old man like him felt powerless against the deadly attack of tailed-beast ball.

If it weren’t for Toshiro and his powerful summoning beast shielding him, his aging body would have crumbled after just a few rounds against the Kyuubi.

“Now… Shiromari… atack and disrupt the bijudama!”

With the Kyuubi’s chakra almost fully gathered, Shiromari, prompted by Toshiro, swung the enormous golden staff. Now around ten meters thick and over 100 meters long, it struck the Kyuubi's head with immense force.

Maintaining such a massive transformation technique, especially with the monkey demon's indestructibility, was taxing for the Sandaime, even with his formidable chakra reserves.

“Fire Release: Multiple Flame Bombs!”

To support Shiromari’s attack and counter the Kyuubi’s tails, Toshiro unleashed nine football-sized fireballs from his mouth, targeting the Kyuubi’s tails. These fireballs glowed brilliantly, with golden sparks amid the orange flames, causing the Sandaime Hokage to squint against the brightness.


A series of dazzling explosions erupted, sending shockwaves that tilted the surrounding trees. Before the approaching Konoha ninjas could adapt, an even more intense explosion lit up the edge of Konoha Village, turning night into day.

“This ninjutsu…?” the Sandaime mused, recognizing a familiar power in Toshiro’s attack.

“This is a technique I developed by drawing inspiration from the Yondaime Hokage’s Rasengan, incorporating fire chakra nature transformations,” Toshiro explained. “It’s an upgraded version of the ‘Fire Release: Pheonix Flame Bombs.’”

Though similar to the Wind Release: Rasenshuriken, it was less destructive and required hand seals.

“But more importantly…” Toshiro continued, “isn’t there a solution from the sealing team? Without properly sealing it…”

Despite Shiromari’s powerful strike altering the tailed beast bomb’s trajectory, it remained too close to Konoha, posing a grave risk to the village.

“The sealing team…” the Sandaime sighed. “Unless we can completely immobilize the Kyuubi, our options are limited…”

Konoha’s most skilled seal masters, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, were occupied, and the remaining seal experts couldn’t match the required strength to handle the Kyuubi.

“Doesn’t the village have an emergency plan?”

Toshiro, hearing the Sandaime’s words, felt a surge of frustration. Despite providing information about Obito’s potential attack on Konoha a week in advance, the village's defense remained disorganized.


Faced with Toshiro’s question, the Sandaime Hokage was speechless.

Danzo Shimura was to blame for this. If it weren't for that bastard's insistence that it was Namikaze Minato's attempts to claim power, the village's response wouldn't have been so disorganized.

“If the Nine-Tails is weakened, can the sealing team manage to seal it?” Toshiro asked, feeling helpless but hoping for some assistance from the village’s sealing experts. Otherwise, they had no choice but to wait for the Yondaime and his wife to arrive.

“...Yes, they can!” the Sandaime finally replied after gritting his teeth and considering the sealing team’s capabilities, though his confidence wavered.

“Then please, Sandaime, make the necessary arrangements. Enma, Shiromari, and I will hold the line for now,” Toshiro instructed. “If needed, we can try large-scale earth traps. Also, have the long-range ninjas use fire release techniques as much as possible. I’m preparing a jutsu.”

“Understood! I’ll handle it right away,” the Sandaime responded. “Wait for my signal.”

Seeing Toshiro’s serious yet confident demeanor, the Sandaime Hokage quickly left Shiromari’s head to organize the measures to restrain the Kyuubi, leaving his own summoning beast behind.

“The next step is to delay and prepare to use the Kirin!” Toshiro murmured, eyeing the dark clouds gathering in the night sky.

He wasn’t worried about the Sandaime causing trouble. Despite the Sandaime's usual wariness of the Uchiha, the current crisis necessitated Toshiro’s power to weaken the Nine-Tails.

Moreover, Toshiro wanted to showcase his strength. In the end, the ninja world respected power. If he continued to act like a harmless jounin, he might be underestimated and targeted.

At this critical moment, Konoha needed his strength to stop and weaken the Nine-Tails, which was not a big problem.

"Hiruzen... this is an opportunity!" Danzo Shimura appeared behind the Sandaime Hokage, whispering in his ear. “When the Kyuubi is restrained, we can seize the chance to deal with Uchiha Toshiro...”

While Toshiro was busy with the Nine-Tails and the Sandaime was summoning the sealing team, Danzo, who had initially proposed restricting Uchiha access to the Kyuubi, made his move.

After receiving a report from his subordinates, he found Hiruzen Sarutobi gathering the sealing team and couldn't resist making his suggestion.

“No… Uchiha Toshiro is a felow Konoha ninja. Besides, he's risking his life to stop the Nine-Tails. How can we betray him now?” the Sandaime retorted, shocked by his old friend's proposal.

Despite his usual reservations about the Uchiha, the Sandaime knew they couldn’t afford to lose Toshiro’s combat power, especially with the Yondaime’s situation still uncertain.


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