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"How's it? Do you feel any different?" Satoshi asked, watching Toshiro with an excited expression after successfully gaining basic control of his Sharingan. As a sensei, he was even happier than Toshiro about the awakening of his Kekkei Genkai.

Satoshi then took out a bottle of potion from his ninja bag and tossed it to Toshiro.


Toshiro looked at the unmarked bottle in his hand with a hint of confusion. He didn't know what was inside, but he trusted that his sensei had a good reason for giving it to him.

"This is a specially developed potion for the Uchiha who have just awakened their Sharingan. You use it like regular eye drops. It helps relieve fatigue and discomfort from prolonged use of the Sharingan. It's specifically for maintaining the health of the Sharingan," he explained.

The Uchiha clan's medical ninjutsu was highly specialized, particularly in ophthalmology. They had developed various eye treatments and surgeries, unmatched in the entire ninja world. The potion Satoshi handed him was one of these specialized drugs, prepared in advance just in case.

"Thank you," Toshiro said, applying two drops to each eye. He immediately felt a warm sensation spreading from his eyes, alleviating the fatigue from his recent awakening.

"This feels great! It's more effective than I expected!" Toshiro praised the potion's effectiveness. Despite spending time with a medical ninja like Mei Uchiha, he hadn't anticipated the efficacy of their eye medications. He had underestimated the technology of this world, which clearly had advanced solutions for such specialized needs.

Just as Toshiro was reflecting on his misjudgment, Satoshi spoke again. "Toshiro, you have successfully awakened the Sharingan at just eight years old, and that too with a two tomoe in each eye. This is significant. The clan will surely take you seriously and provide you with more resources for training."

In the Uchiha clan, awakening the Sharingan greatly increased one's status. Toshiro, with his exceptional early awakening, would receive much more attention and better treatment than other clan members.

"Sensei, I have a question," Toshiro said, sensing his sensei's eagerness. He wanted to address his concerns before things progressed further.

"Go ahead. Ask anything," Satoshi replied.

"Now that I've awakened the Sharingan, will I get involved in the conflict between the clan and the village? I know a bit about these issues, even though I'm still young."

The village's attitude was a crucial factor. With the Third Ninja World War looming, he worried that the village might see him as a possible threat in the future and use him as cannon fodder.

"You know about that?" Satoshi was surprised by Toshiro's awareness of the clan's and village's tensions. He didn't expect such maturity from someone so young.

"Yes, I picked up on it a few years ago when Mei-neechan was making the blood-clotting potion," Toshiro admitted, using Mei as a shield to avoid appearing too knowledgeable.

"Even though I've awakened the Sharingan, I'm still young. I'd prefer a few more years of peaceful training. I'm not ready to handle such conflicts," Toshiro continued. He believed that with a few more years of growth, he could face any challenges more confidently.

"Hmm, that does complicate things," Satoshi said. He had high expectations for Toshiro, but he didn't anticipate this level of insight from him. Toshiro's preference for avoiding conflict, considering his youth, was understandable.

The Uchiha clan had three main factions with differing attitudes towards the village. The first faction, most dissatisfied with the Hokage, advocated for a strong stance against perceived injustices. The second faction, which included members like Uchiha Kagami, sought peace and cooperation with the Hokage, though this faction had dwindled in influence in recent years. The third faction, to which Toshiro belonged, consisted mostly of non-elites who focused on peaceful, everyday life, often avoiding political conflicts, often working in the police force, or running small businesses. They avoided the power struggles and were sometimes criticized by the other factions for their lack of ambition.

Toshiro's recent statement reaffirmed his alignment with this third faction, emphasizing his desire for peace and steady growth over involvement in the clan's and village's conflicts.

In the Uchiha patriarch's home, a rare family banquet was taking place, hosted by the current patriarch, Uchiha Shigeyama. Present were Shigeyama, Satoshi, Fugaku, and two female members of the Uchiha clan.

"What? Are you saying Toshiro has awakened the Sharingan?" Shigeyama, usually composed, showed a rare moment of surprise upon hearing the news from his younger brother.

The unexpected emotion, uncharacteristic of Shigeyama, drew the attention of everyone at the table. All eyes turned to Satoshi, the bearer of the news.

"Not only has he awakened it, but he also has two tomoes in each eye," Satoshi confirmed.

"That's extraordinary! He truly is a worthy descendant of Nako-sama," Shigeyama remarked after a brief silence.

Satoshi then recounted his conversation with Toshiro, sharing it openly with his brother. He watched Shigeyama closely, worried about his reaction.

Toshiro was still very young and had hoped that by expressing his desire to stay out of village and clan politics, everything would be fine. However, Satoshi knew it was naive to think that in a large, powerful family like the Uchiha, where the patriarch and elders held significant power, disobedience could have severe consequences, if they did not agree with Toshiro's suggestion.

Shigeyama, having survived the first and second ninja wars, was not one to be trifled with. He and other high-ranking members of the family, seasoned by years of conflict, were not as kind as they might appear.

"So he wants to improve his strength silently?" Shigeyama murmured, frowning. Instead of giving his opinion, he looked to his brother and son. "Satoshi, Fugaku, what do you think of this?"

Ignoring his and Satoshi's wives at the table, Shigeyama awaited their input. In the Uchiha clan, women had little status, and their presence at the table was a courtesy due to their roles as ninjas.

"I think we should honor his request," Satoshi spoke first, before Fugaku could respond. "What we need isn't just one or two geniuses, but someone powerful enough to truly change the tides. Toshiro, with his two tomoe Sharingan at such a young age and his disciplined nature, has the potential to become that force. We should support his growth and accept his wishes."

"Hmmm, that's a good point. What do you think, Fugaku?" Shigeyama asked, still wanting to hear from his son.

"Father, based on my encounters with Toshiro, he is mature for his age and handles himself well. He's serious about his training, which is rare. Like Uncle said, he has the potential to become very strong. Let's accept his wish for now. We have much bigger things, like the upcoming war, to think of. If he survives, we can reevaluate then."

"Agreed," Shigeyama said, smiling. "We have bigger concerns with the upcoming war than a young prodigy."

With the matter settled, Shigeyama turned his attention elsewhere. "Fugaku, any news from Neko-baasama?"

Satoshi sighed in relief, glad his brother's attention had shifted. The potential danger to Toshiro was averted for now.

Unbeknownst to them, Shigeyama had tried to smile but struggled due to years of not doing so. It was a side effect of his serious demeanor and his constant hiding of his true feelings. Only Fugaku's mother noticed, giving her husband a knowing smile and pouring him some sake. She understood his complex emotions, knowing he cared deeply for his clan and family despite his stern exterior.

"Speaking of news, Fugaku, I heard you’ve been getting along well with a girl in the clan. Which family is she from?" Satoshi asked teasingly.

"She's from the second branch. Her name is Mikoto," Fugaku replied, slightly embarrassed but managing a smile.


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