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  • Velma Maya Spin 2-1.mp4
  • Velma Maya 2-1.mp4



It's that time of year again! Time for Maya to get up to some spooky, messy fun! This year I decided to go with a Velma costume for her. It's just too perfect on her~

View the full outfit rotation here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qubukyveuqsvq2a4x9mgq/Velma-Maya-Spin-2-1.mp4?rlkey=8ceud8absh2x7gvvjy13fcnhk&dl=0 

And as for the event this year, she gets a heathy does of ectoplasm from some naughty ghosts (Snax and Wolf Dad in some cheeky and not too decent ghost outfits). Solving mysteries is quite the messy business it seems~

It was pretty fun getting carried with with the fluids in this one and I think they turned out quite well! Very messy and very thick.

Many thanks to KandiPoP, Captain Metric, and Honeypot Sheep for helping with the VA on such short notice. They all did an incredible job!

Please enjoy and have a fantastic Halloween <3


Velma Maya 2-1.mp4

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