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  • Lucario Rotate 2-1.mp4
  • Lucario Peen 2-1.mp4



Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well and thank you so much for voting on the Miltank pairing poll from earlier! It looks like Lucario won by quite the margin which I suppose I should've seen coming (next time I may only include more underrated selections to make it more even). No worries though, Lucario is a good bean and a fan favorite for good reason and he'll be having plenty of fun with Miltank~

As a result, I've spent the past week putting together a model for him and a little test rotation/animation:

Check out the full rotation animation here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y0bxwv15gn0l9yeiavf0o/Lucario-Rotate-2-1.mp4?rlkey=xljqbsodl6ieuoltou9tyau62&dl=0 

Now I just need to plan out the main animation but I have some ideas where I want to take it. It may even be a steamy threesome but we'll see. Feel free to throw out any suggestions as well!

Raccoon Mama 3D Print Progress

In other news, I've been working on the raccoon mama 3D print figurine as well and did a test print a few days ago:

While I'm quite happy with a few things with the initial print, unfortunately the resin I was working with wasn't of the best quality and the shrinkage caused most of the print to fail. I've since bought some better ABS-like resin with low shrinkage and did a few test prints with it and it turned out much better. A lot of the parts of the figure were also a little too thin for my liking (such as the glasses and towel) so I'll be going back to re-design some things. Hopefully with some better resin and a slight re-design, the print will turn out much better and will be ready for distribution! 

I hope you enjoyed this update and stay tuned for more!


Lucario Rotate 2-1.mp4

Shared with Dropbox


Oren Meyer

Lucario will be more than up to the challenge! Those hands and that mouth are made for grabbing and suckling Miltank tiddy, and he looks fit enough to pleasure her for a while.