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thanks for all the support!

i can finally start work on an enderlady sequel! expect it to arrive after all the current smaller projects are completed.

speaking of projects:


SPOOKY nights [big] this is a large comic and i won't rush it, expect a couple of pages here and there.

JESSIE [small] first 3 pages will be released today or tomorrow, after i complete 6 pages i will continue with the sadness comic.

SADNESS [small] once i have the final 6 pages completed, this chapter will be concluded, next chapter will start "in-between" the enderlady comic.

SOPHIA RUIS [small] this is an awkward one, i restarted it not so long ago because i thought i figured out a better way to draw but now, after the sadness comic, i realizing i might need to rethink how i continue it. i will not restart it but expect the next pages to be in the style of the sadness comic (vertical layout, thick brush, completely shaded)


ENDERLADY [small] will begin after the current ongoing small comics are completed

SADNESS ch2 [small] will start after the first 6 pages of the enderlady comic are released.

RAVEN [small] someone asked about this on discord and i do have an idea for it but it will have to wait until after the second chapter of the sadness comic.

PENNY [small] same as above (minus the "someone asked").

ADVENTURING [big] this will be started once SPOOKY nights is completed. apologies for the humongous wait! first chapter has been sketched out for a while now but between art-blocks, style changes and layout preferences i have been holding of until i figured it all out, which i think i have.

obviously life/shit can happen at any time so don't hold me to strictly to this list, i might still need to reshuffle or drop projects in the future.

thanks again for the support! speak soon!



Thanks for adding your previous work on here