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Hello patrons,

I hope you are doing well.

The best ambiences ideas came mostly from the community. Even though my to-do list has hundreds of entries, I still believe it's important to get yours now, as you may propose highly creative and useful elements.

My to-do list doesn't work on a FIFO (First In, First Out) process, but rather "best ideas out first" (with the constraint of actually being able to create it).

In that regard, I'm asking you to share, in the comments, the ideas you'd have for ambiences.

Tbh, you don't have to be super-extra creative. By example, I realized two weeks ago that I didn't have any "river" ambience... And it's much more useful than a "Water dragon lair in a demi-plane related to ancient greek gods of forge and lies".

Just make sure the place actually has sound in it ;)

I'm taking two days off in the mountains for ski+D&D (didn't travel for the past four years, it feels weird). I'm eager to read your propositions when I'm back, and start working again on Monday.

Have a great weekend!




Austin Davis

One idea would be a war camp, for before the battle. With someone barking orders, marching, and sparing. There could also be some groaning SFX for those wounded in post-battle situations. Works with some of the ideas Rob suggested above.