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Hello Patrons!

With the great Miska, we worked together on a Sci-Fi project. The idea was to create an alien "Bioship". This pack features many variants of that two-level ship, as well as four ambiences.

It's always complexe to create Sci-Fi content, because it's like creating the sounds of things that don't yet exist, we fall easily into clichés (I do hope we won't find derelict bioships anytime soon though. That would have been a 2020 thing :P )

Miska wrote three 'adventure seeds' that may prove themselves useful :

Adventure Seeds

1) An unknown signal is intercepted and the derelict ship floating in space can be tracked as its source. The alien ship has been a bio-weapons transport of some sort, but a terrible accident ages ago caused the crew to become infected by the weapon they were transporting. Something has been hibernating in the ship for centuries, if not thousands of years and it is waking up...

2) A long-distance salvage and emergency crew encounters a derelict ship orbiting a distant gas giant. The ship is transmitting a signal belonging to a ship that was lost after a hyperjump years ago. It seems that the ship was found, but the visuals do not look anything like the schematics on records. What happened?

3) A mining crew found an asteroid with a dense concentration of metals in its core and starts boring through its crust. Instead of ore deposits, the crew finds something else. Oddly, the ship's reactor malfunctions and short-circuits. The repairs are likely to take days and the closest company vessel is two weeks away.  While thinking about the solution to this problem, someone remembers the company's "special salvage" policy regarding xenobiological findings and recovered xeno-artifacts. "Why not use the time to investigate the findings?", someone says.

Thank you again for the support! More to come very soon ;)



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