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Definitely need your opinion

  • Yes, sing 9
  • No, don't 0
  • Wait, singing? I thought you were doing some Minecraft Twitch Liveplays. 0
  • Other (specify) 0
  • 2018-12-23
  • 9 votes
{'title': 'Definitely need your opinion', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, sing', 'votes': 9}, {'text': "No, don't", 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Wait, singing? I thought you were doing some Minecraft Twitch Liveplays.', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Other (specify)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 23, 15, 35, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 9}


Hey dear patrons ! I got an important question for you. I hope you'll get it through my somewhat french-tainted english :P Feel free to ask if it's not clear.

I've been recently thinking about adding new things to my channel. I feel more and more invested in my different projects and I don't want them to go in different directions and lose their links to each other.

I will stop the cryptic language here and be clearer : since I've been working on my fantasy world / books, I've always wanted to add a musical dimension to it. I wrote tons of stories worthy of being told, and music is one of the best mediums to do so.

Since I love history, I thought about how stories were told centuries ago, and I immediatly imagined bards.

Fair enough, let's compose some bard music right ? Yes sure, but bards SANG songs, and I never sang in my songs (even though I love singing at home,... under the shower, ... when no one's listening,... oh damn, you see it coming right?)

My neighbours never called the police, so I think it's a good sign, but what do you think of it? It's a big change to my channel since there's only 2 out of 161 songs (!) that have real human voice over it for the moment.

All the jokes apart, I'm not gonna do it lightly. Quality is a top focus on my channel and I will probably take some singing courses with a professional to provide high quality songs.

Please vote to give me your opinion. Never hesitate to share your doubts, no one will judge you, especially me. My channel changed a lot this year and the probability is high that it will keep changing. Just to tell you, the growth rate has been multiplied BY FOUR in just three months, so I'm extremely motivated to provide the highest quality of content and invest even more of my time in my channel and in the community. Again, if you got any idea or remark, that's the best moment to voice it!

Also I'm actually preparing some collaborations with singers and other composers as well. It has been a long time I didn't collaborate with anyone and I miss it.

Thanks for reading and see you in the comment section ;)



Th. Fol

I would love to hear your stories sung to your melodies. To be honest, I don't care that much who is singing as long as it get the mood right. And I don't know how you sing, so how can I judge something I do know nothing about 😉 As already said: I love stories being sung, so I'm definitely in for it! Another possibility would be to tell the stories through pictures which in a way would leave much more room for interpretation especially when combined with (your) music. And a third option would be a kind of narrator who tells the story with (your) background music ... No matter what you choose I'm sure I'll like it as I assume that you won't put anything out what you don't like yourself and until now I've heard nothing bad on your channel! All the best to you and happy holidays and have fun with whatever you do! 🤗