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The butterflies are night lights. Not quite alive, just more bio robots. They're programmed to start fluttering when somebody gets up.

Jemma has several sisters. All female clones of their father, they're in constant competition over who gets to inherent the family business. Jemma's daddy has seen better days, he's kept himself alive with organ & limb replacements for over 200 years. But that isn't working out for him anymore, his mind is starting to deteriorate. A body can be kept alive a long time in this future, but when the mind starts to give, you're done.




"All female clones of their father" Hold the fuck up why did dear old dad feel the need to make SEVERAL female clones of himself? Surely one would have sufficed??? Or is this an example of "Screw the rules, I have money"?

Jagged's arts & stuff

Definitely because money, but the main goal was to pit the daughters against each other to see which one turns out the most ruthless businessman. I mean businessgirl? Only that one gets to inherit daddy's wealth.