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So, i got good news and bad news.

The good news is that my good mood has returned. My depressive bout appears to be over, i feel motivated to do things again.

And now for the bad news, i still don't feel very motivated to do much art. Rather i feel motivated to get back into Godot and making games. Which i have been doing the entire week. Feverishly. (You may have already noticed if you follow my twitter.)

So i will still not have much art to share for the time being. While i am being productive, showing off my code would probably not be that interesting.

I do feel more confident than ever that i may actually finish an entire game this time. Once i got a working prototype to show for, i will share it here first.

That's all for now folks, enjoy the spooky season!



Glad to hear your mental health is improving. While we absolutely love your art, you should do whatever makes you happy. If making games is what you are inspired to do, than do that. 😃

Jagged's arts & stuff

Game making is my current obsession, admittedly. I look at codef irst thing in the morning, and last thing before i go to sleep. xD I think i will share some of the concepts & assets i have drawn, backgrounds and sprites and such. Gotta fill this patreon with some new content somehow. :U


Cool. I, for one, am excited to see what you are working on. I just love your artistic style and humor. That being said, just remember to take time, once and a while, to focus on yourself, too. 🤗