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Hey my Patrons~

So here's a little project that unfortunately had to be cut short. It was another 4 page comic commission but due to time constraints and life and so much more getting in the way, this project had been held back in the back burner for so long. I could not in good faith keep the commission so I refunded it. But you guys can still enjoy the work I did do for it~

The comic will feature oral and anal vore. It also features some pretty narly digestion and post vore stuff so just a word of warning x3




O_O How, uh, intense. Any chance this may still get picked back up?


Remote chance. I hate leaving things unfinished though. Might do a "What do you want me to finish?" month and if patreon can make me enough dosh I could x3


Whoa.... that's intense. O_


But rather see it in cum digestion xD But thats just cause I'm obsessed x3