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Hey legends! 

If you're new to the Aunty Donna Club and want to take a deep dive into all of the content we've got available, Patreon now has a 'collections' tab! 

All of this is available to you, our esteemed members of the Aunty Donna Club.

There's plenty to check out, so dive in, then let us know what you want to see more of.

Enjoy legends!

Mark, Broden, Zach, Sam, Tom, and Max




Ledgends! thanks boys


P.S if we forgot any series please let us know! We think we got em all??? But we might have forgot some???


Love this!!


This is pussy


This just reminded me that December has passed yet we are without a Pudcast S3... are there any plans to continue consuming Aunt Betty's delicious microwaved treats or are you done forever


Need one for Lan Party P.s. when number 10

Rory Cosser

Thanks boys much appreciated 👍


Possibly LAN parties / party quirks? Not sure if they’re counted as series though 🤔

Noah Oomens

This is amazing 🙌


Is it possible to throw the old SoundCloud link into the description of the “Bonus Podcasts” collection? Most of the old ones are locked (at least for me) behind the $10 and $15 Patreon tiers that don’t exist anymore.

Mike Senatore

This changes the game. Thank you boys


Love this 🥰


thank you legends, now I can rewatch the same couple vids over and over much more efficiently


This is EXACTLY what I needed to make this Patreon the best fucking thing I've ever cum to

Leo Roboto

The piece of lost Donna media I want most is the Adrian Patreon pod. Link stopped working yonks ago.

Michael Gardiner

oh thank fucking god, love your stuff but its fucking impossible to scroll through


This was so needed, thankyou! How does Tom feel about the RS3 logo being used for RuneScape rather than OSRS though? 😂


Don’t know if you know, but all the bonus podcasts from like Dec 2019 and earlier are still listed under the $100AUD ‘commitment to the bit tier’ lol. As much as I love the pod I don’t know if I find the number 69 funny enough to commit to it

Michael S

I thought I could watch the dungeons and dragons content if I signed up for the tight ass price but unfortunately not. Keep the money and kiss my coat tail lehoosers. Sept broaden love you broadyyyyyyy 💋


Most excellent

Laura Phoenix-Jones

This is so bloody helpful. Can’t wait to go down even more of a rabbit hole.

Rick, An Artist

This is the best thing ever thank you

Jono Petreski

Hey boys ya just need to make the OG patreon poddys link available to cover everything, ((if you want to))


Been listening for years and didnt know about some of these collections, Colt Express was so funny and I even want to get the game now to play with my mates!

Tom Buzz

I got colt express purely from watching them play - it really is fantastic :)

Amanda Keogh

This is great!! Thank you!!


Wouldn't mind a collection for party quirks!


Exactly what I was wishing for ! Bon appetit, boyz




This is actually so cool. Thank you.

Matthew Watson

Oh you lovely boiz you, many thanks!

Jorden Duck

I think my grandkids used my credit card to buy this patron who are you? Did he ask you to pay you money?

Voodio Mola

Perhaps 'Party Quirks' could be a list? The list will be short but they are special.


Here's all the Party Quirks including MUGG: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTLuEncr_O7VKyzzRRWEKehXUrm3EjT9a There is no vid (or Patreon post) for "Ep279 Party Quirks 3" but the podcast is linked via Spotify in the playlist description.

Voodio Mola

Wow, thank you for that! I really love these. It's like watching a blind man in a room of china and snakes trying to find the door.

Appalacian Andy

Maybe a collection for live streams? I recall you guys doing one commentating on a soccer game or something. Mark and Broden said in sync “…is traditionally brown” and you visited a website of a famous footballer which turned out to be porn. Anyway I remember belly laughing at that vid so much but can’t find it now. It’d be cool to post the VOD here.


Is there a new rss link for the Bonus episodes? I can’t see them in the regular Patreon rss feed. They use to be there right?