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VOTE NOW: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeia1UMgt1SIucnqQvNPyp6FBivoQxUMUT50S8IDeVXu4ybow/viewform?usp=sf_link

Esteemed members of the Aunty Donna Club,

Thank you for voting to select our shortlist for the Aunty Donna Podcast - Best of 2023. From your results we have assembled this poll (link above) which shall be put to the masses.

The time has come to select an official Top 10. 

Make haste and delay not, for thy Top 10 must be decreed come January.

Voting closes Thursday 7th December at 8am AEDT.

(thanks legends)




Those are all top shelf eps, boys. It's too hard to choose a single one! Having said that, "Ambition is pain, god is dead and life is piss and nothing matters" is truly the best advice for Year 12s and should be highlighted.


Boys, who's got Moogie?