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Last week we shared some extra bits from Aunty Donna's Coffee Cafe on YouTube. Someone commented that they loved seeing our bits. So we're going to show you more of our bits. But we can't let just anyone see our bits. Only fans at the Aunty Donna Club powered by Patreon can see all of our bits.

Over the next month, we're going to show you our extra bits from Aunty Donna's Coffee Cafe: extended takes / bloopers / BTS / improv / all the bits we couldn't show you on TV...no nudes, just ludes.

First up, here's a look at our bits from the Bucks Party episode.

Enjoy legends!


Bucks Party [BTS - Extra Bits] | Aunty Donna's Coffee Cafe



the Dcmonalds extended cut needs an Emmy, im so serious

Mark Norton

Because that's what a soldier does.