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Will it be steamy? Will it be golden? All shall be revealed tomorrow as Aunt Betty’s steamy pud month continues…



Jacob Turner

I hypothesise that it will be steamy as well as golden.


Thanks Tom, hope you're well.

Big Tim

Any recipe that opts for golden syrup over maple syrup was written by sadists


I think they're both valid syrups for different occasions personally


I can't wait to see the theatre of this pud


I've never been more impressed by Mark than i have been witnessing his commitment to this, which only furthers my dissapointment at Broden for making an absoloute farce of the hole thing by giving all pud's 5.


Gosh you boys are really blue balling me here - oh I wish it could be pudcast every single day!

Matthew Ely

Counterpoint: Broden is the only one with a truly consistent rating system. The other boys are simply getting trapped in a labyrinth of their own design.


Do you think "NO ARTIFICAL COLOURS OR FLAVOURS" means "no artificial colour and no artificial flavours" or "no artificial colour and no flavour"?