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Hello everyone! Pls enjoy yet another wonderful episode of Party Quirks.


Podcast Ep 274 - Party Quirks 2



Thanks boys, hope you're all well.


Can't wait until this just becomes a live show.


Is taking pleasure in the party host's discomfort defined as schadenfreude?


Did I hear “I’m Horny” has been removed from marks playlist, Fark you cunts im unsubing if true


This one was actively painful to watch. Borden’s silent fury at the audience bit was so awkward.

Damon Reed

What if you guys did 3 way party quirks? Each of you gives another member a character, while the remaining member has to guess. Everyone gets to play a character, as well as guess? I have no idea how this would work with some of the fucked characters and the whole dynamic. But food for thought


This is why Broden must never leave the other two to their own devices.


I can't wait to see what Broden revenge will be for Mark on the next party quirks


I haven't been the biggest fan of party quirks but this one really tickled me. Mark and Zach just ignoring Broden's "I'm gonna strangle you, your families, your pets and the pets of your families" energy was strangely hilarious.

Matthew Ely

More chum for the worms, I see.


I feel like you guys have been playing this game wrong for the last 10 years


Love watching these sexy boys torture each other for 40 mins. Pls bank another 7


Great ep! I think it’d be fun if you did one where the audience was also in the dark, perhaps even by just posting a timestamp for us to skip to in order to play along


That must feel like going insane, so brutal

Jonathan Davies

The way these naughty boys play this game gives me anxiety


This was a lovely episode, boys. But is it just me or did we forget that one of the boys had no arsehole and just one cheek? Maybe that got cancelled, I dunno.