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Hello, hope you are well. As all you cool Aunty Donna Club members will know, we love a quick and simple game of party quirks and since you guys loved the Aunty Donna Club exclusive Party Quirks Pods we decided to do one or two for the normal podcast stream. Enjoy xoxo

Also I'm very happy you all enjoyed EP 1 of the Pudcast and for all those eating along at home keep your eyes peeled to The Club for later in the week I shall be revealing this weeks pud so you may purchase said pud ahead of time and eat along.


Podcast Ep 271 - Party Quirks Ep 1


Code Monkey

I just adore seeing Broden having a cheeky giggle because of how deep Zach is down the wrong rabbit hole. Well done boys!

Matthew Watson

I didn't know exactly what this was either until I googled it but I think Mark was going for Quarks - Quarks: Any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge, postulated as building blocks of the hadrons. Quarks have not been directly observed but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been confirmed experimentally.


Very good use of Mousse T, boys!

Campbell Knox

I start every Wednesday morning off at 4:00am, this gets me through it.


Apparently the name is taken from a line in Finnegans Wake: "Three quarks for Muster Mark." So this is incredibly appropriate.

Jonathan Davies

I genuinely thought Zac was fucking with them when he said every single Nordic country two or three times without saying Norway once 😂😂 turns out he was just being a dumb cunt…


Can't wait for the green screens to come into play