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What a funny podcast where mark is back but also robot mark is still here. I named this podcast after a funny bit.


Podcast Ep 267 - Switcheroo With Lindsay Cohen



I was hoping there would be a RoBroden.


Hey! Just recently subscribed - wanted to say that if there are more twists and turns coming, then I’ll be here to stay.


Why isn't this called Ex Markina


More twists but in the form of songs about twisties.

Jonathan Davies

I love twists and turns especially when it involves people having to postpone their wedding


I think you should keep adding successively more Marks in each episode moving forward, with Mark playing all of them. That seems like something that Mark, who famously loves playing characters and isn't at all insecure in his own abilities, would thoroughly get behind.

Amy Fox

Wow! I am a big fan of these twists and turns that change everything!