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Hey frems! itz me zachy from aunty donna.

WE WANT TO KNOW HOW U FOUND OUT ABOUT THE AUNTY DONNA CLUB (powered by patreon)!!!! [or just the normal patreon if u've been around that long]

i know we are silly and all but this is a V SRS poll coz we want to make sure we dont do annoying plugs for the club only EFFECTIVE plugs for the club or FUNNY plugs for the club (which we can only ascertain if we get SRS answers to this poll u understand?).

The POLL is all about quantitive Data but if u wanna give us some QUALITATIVE data in the comments that'd be sick. particularly if u selected 'other' lolololol. (bet ur glad I alienated half the podcast listeners to explain quantitive vs qualitative data now!!)

Pls dont be silly, if ur srs i will reward u all with 5 silly polls next week. if u are silly u get no silly polls.

Anyway love u thanx for ur time.



powered by Patreon :)

Kylie Jones

I do not recall.


Tony the tea towel man


You were an act in front of parliament a few years ago and my friends and I binged a bunch of your videos before going


You wouldn’t stop bloody banging on about it on the podcast


I was a patron before it became the AD Club (I’m an original pledger, that makes me a ‘real fan’) but I think it was legitimately the bonus patreon teaser podcast (around the 50’s), where you played the best parts of the first 10 patreon podcasts you guys recorded, I think it was the death of Kat’s cat that hooked me in, no joke


yes good answer. did we bang on about it too much? clearly not if u are now a member. love to u and all our frems


i saw a clip in youtube and was like huh and went down the rabbit hole on soundcloud then was like how do i hear more of this good shit and here we are " haven't you done well"


My sister married one of you.


All the talk about not wanting my cunt money made me pay up


This data is a healthy blend of both qualitative and quantative data


Was peer pressured by a mate for a lengthy time. You have lazy fans tho and all I really needed was a link on Facebook that took me directly to the sign up


Was shown to me by a friend then in watching every video on YouTube in 2 days heard about it. Had to make a Patreon and do it, had to be done. 🙏🙏🙏


i do not wish to divulge such personal data, where is the option for that answer? who are you?? Mr. Google?


I checked out one of the zoom calls on your youtube channel and then decided to search the Patreon to see if there was any further video content. Watching the zoom calls with my gf and a fresh jar of oregano is much better than listening to it on headphones while i'm doing other things

Geordie McGrath

I have been here since day one of Patreon so I didn't hear about it, it just came into being


I have been a fan for like 4 years, and always wanted to be a Patron but did not have the spare funds. In the last year my financial situation somewhat improved and then you brought in the new amount ($6.90 because sex) and discussed it on the podcast and on social media. I knew it was my time.


I was a member of the aunty Donna club before it was renamed the aunty Donna club... does that count?


This is also me (especially the part about oregano- ifyacatchmedrift). Although i have been listening back to all of the old podcasts on my phone while i am doing chores around the house and it keeps me smiling.

Damon Reed

I was heavily into Hamish and Andy podcasts a few years ago when I was driving long distances every day. But I'd particularly love their more autistic, sporadic & senseless stuff. I went onto Spotify, searched the comedy section, found you Guys, and here we are. cunts


It came to me in a dream


a time portal opened up and two brothers eventually told me about it after talking about a lot of other unrelated things


Started binging the podcast in December when looking for something to listen to during walks to/from work. The pod immediately became the best thing in my life so after hearing the Patreon mentioned there and seeing links on FB I knew I needed to support the amazing content from some amazing boys. Y'all are incredibly talented, thank you for the unrelenting joy. xx


I got lost on the way to find some memes and tbh Idk how I got here but Im glad I did <3


Through the podcast. Going through old email, looks like started in January 1, 2018. Used to be a way to see your start date in the app. Zach, when did Aunty Donna start your Patreon? P.S. Laughed at the new goal and tiers. Crossing my fingers your reach it. 💖


I binged all of your podcasts from episode one to 195 then during the first months of the Coronavirus quarantines here in Germany. Then I joined this Patreon and did the same with all the old 10-15 pods and joined your discord now. 4 months is too long man...


Not that anyone will see it but to the lads at AD cheers for the unblock on your Patreon if it was you guys that did it, apologies that I assumed the subscription would cancel itself if I didn’t pay it, good to be abco


Heard you boys on The Little Dum Dum Club podcast.


When I did a cum it spelled out “listen to the Aunty Donna podca” I ran out of cum but I could figure it out from there


I remember you did a 10min "Best of Patreon" podcast released amongst the normal podcasts. Found that really funny and joined the Patreon shortly after :)


mark told me at bimbos one night before i let him fuck my girlfriend


Mofo by the name of Nick Mason he hangs out with a Goatman that dresses like Han Solo a long time ago..


You kept calling us pov cunts and bullied me into it and now my girlfriend is mad at me because I’m supposed to be saving money