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EDIT: This is now the official thread where u pitch to us what u want us to discuss in our srs podcast. If u want to hear us discuss a certain influence or thing we like, go thru the thread and see if someone has recommended that thing - if they have, give it a like; if they haven't, write it in as a comment. then when we do the poddy we'll go thru and see which one jump out to us. Much love and thanks for ur love.

xoxox Aunty Donna

OG Text: We mentioned in the last pod, but we are fishing for ideas on what you want us to discuss on the serious Aunty Donna Club podcast. We’ve done favourite movies, but what next??????




Favorite albums!!


Yeah music would be good


Favourite songs?


A deep dive into the prank calls of Joe Kosky


Favourite comedians


Experiences (eg travel, events, workplace achievements)

Kylie Jones

I think something music related. Either fave albums or favourite bands or most memorable live shows.


Comedy influences, whether it’s stand up, movies, sketch or whatever.


Not sure if you've done it before, but I'd love to hear about comedic influences and standup specials or series that influenced you guys


Favouite musicals/plays?


seconded Matthews choice for favourite albums, and adding my choice of favourite Arnott's bikkie flavour!


Maybe you could each take a podcast to deep dive into your formative years of getting into comedy, your favourite shows and comedians when you were young, comedy in school etc?


Favourite men named geoff that you know


Second favorite trio of dips?

James Olson

Discuss favourite food! Maybe share recipes?


favourite Arnott's bikkie flavour!


Favorite stocks


Comedy influences please!!!


Your favourite aunty donna podcasts from the perspective of people who havent actually ever listened to the aunty donna podcast


favourite albums


Favourite Bible passages hosted by Zach's LAN party character


Favourite video games!


Stock tips.


Albums for sure


Cheese. Not even joking.

Jasper Hayward

Current fav standup comedians performing today


How you lost your virginity


I'd love to hear more about your favorite albums and music! - maybe even books too?


Just talk about more movies. Albums sounds good but it's always boring unless you are also really familiar with the album

Amy Fox

You could really shake things up and talk about your favourite TV shows!


Comedic influences for sure!


Favourite mythologies and who could beat who in a fight. Norse v Greek?


Are they any countries or Australian towns/cities you haven’t been to and would like tour to? And why? Btw Wagga would love you to visit!


Best pornos


DC vs Marvel comics


commercial airlines the good bad and ugly


Marks favourite comics or DC Vs Marvel


Favourite flavors of pens

Didi Pickle

Favourite books Including and limited to, The power of one


Your origin stories


You post glorious original content like this pic then ask us for help? But sir! Ye not need thy help!

Max Hops

Favorite kind of nature or location to relax?


mr. moustache man deep dive


The Aunty Donna boys decide to get out of podcasts and comedy. It's time they grew up got "real" jobs. After a week of splitting up to work their new super serious very adult and professional jobs (as given in the spot by another) they meet up at the local bar for happy hour and talk about how their week went.

Tayler Stewart

How Wacky Geoff and Serious German met and began their comedy career


Favourite Thom Yorke songs with guests Thom Yorke, Sub-Zero, and The Count.


Favourite animals and why ❤


Deep dive into your appearance at Melbourne City Wrestling, how did it come about?


Bjork's Backyard pls oh and also I want to know your favorite bands or artists? Such as the rolling rock boys, Metal licker, the bugs, and even maybe daddy cockroach? And who can forget the biggest band of the 90s Nevada! Are you guys into those musos?


This will, of course, require calling Joe Kosky for an interview about it.


We know you cucks wanna do albums so do albums ❤️


I’d love to hear favourite albums! Interested to hear about Tom’s musical influences specifically too


I feel like it's more serious than it needs to be. It's interesting hearing all your thoughts but in my opinion the serious podcast is a little dry. Just my thought.


I know Mark throws out video game references all the time. I would love to know what you guys are playing if anything.


top five musicals or what you think of the modern musicals overall. or get distracted and do albums. or just that one album again


Top 5 Auntie Donna members, excluding Sam


What were marks favourite metal bands through the years? And how many gigs/festivals have the Aunty Donna boys been too and what sorta strange things they may have encountered? Long question but very curious


Fave albums!!!

Damon Reed

Podcast ideas: You brainstorm podcast ideas


I already liked the favourite albums comment but I gotta cheeky lil question regarding that, any thoughts on The Strokes latest album?


Just a quick list below of some light topics that came to mind: Top 5 world leaders and bottom 5 world leaders The pros and cons of not consuming animal products How you see the influence of religion on society as the older generations die off Top socialist policies you'd like to see Australia consider or trial Alternate forms of government you think have merit Experiences that have changed how you view or live life Top 5 things you wouldn't have been able to survive isolation without How to fix housing affordability in Australia And I'd love to hear from Mark if he's ever eaten spaghetti in a sandwich made from some nice buttered white bread and the sauced spaghetti just gently nestled between the two slices, warm of course, to slowly melt the butter and increase the enjoyment.

Andrew McMenemy

Serious show anecdotes or stories from the road could be cool! Or a 'directors commentary' of a sketch. Love you boys x


I would absolutely love a podcast where Broden discusses the NBA. Why he loves Philly and maybe his top 5 players of all time. Much love to you all. Long time listener, first time Patron xxxx


Life on Mars, And while your at it life while travelling to mars stuck inside a spaceship


I like the idea of a political podcast you guys mentioned last time. Just do it unfiltered and talk about social and political philosophy ideas/opinions that you've been sitting on - even if you don't know what you're talking about or aren't confident in them.. Your patrons don't really gaf. Just enjoy listening to you boys chat, would be fun listening to you debate/discuss big ideas


It's a real big ask but it would be really cool to have a recorded Donna sketch development session. So you talked before about someone coming to the group with a log-line of an idea, then you all develop that into a final sketch. I'd love a mega long podcast from the moment someone pitches that log-line, to a final completed sketch. That process would be really interesting to me.


Incredibly behind on AD club content atm (OBVIOUSLY), but I’d really love to hear deep dives into some of your favorite Donna sketches or the makings of live shows (like what you did for Glennridge awhile back)!