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Podcast 198 - Crisp Nolan Loves A Twistie



I don't watch movies


i think my favourite movie which is also a children movie is "big robot". it's about a really big robot that gets electrocuted and kills a deer, but small boy hughie lewie likes the big robot. in the end the big robot is a bad man but is really a good man and the government tries to hurt big robot but small boy intervenes and says "no"


I'm severely disappointed that The Anagram Killer wasn't discussed. It's the one where Leonardo Da Vinci rearranges the letters in his name every time he murders a victim in order to avoid taking personal responsibility.


i recently watched the movie "Cook" starring John Fabulous (the director of "Forrest Book Story" and "The Head Lion") where he spends his whole time making delicious food from a food truck with his Son and John Leg-ham after his boss (played by Dusty Hoffboy) is a controlling cunt to him. 9/10. would not recommend watching movie on an empty tum with no food in the house.

Sam Hazell

I really like Euthanasia Team but the Jokester wasn’t as good in that tbh


I really like the movie 'This is the End' starring James Franco, Seth Rogen, Danny McBride, etc. Such a good fun film, so many one liners that i have been quoting for years. Just an excellent comedy with some of the best actors in the game! Love the pod boys!

Amy Fox

Can't go past Cretaceous Field as my favourite movie of all time, the bit where all the dinos run around and David Attenborough is there is just sensational, a profoundly beautiful film


My favourite movie is Crisp Nolan's "Special Agent: Dream Thief" where Leonardo Decaffeinated plays a Mentalist who sneaks into people's dreams to replace their thoughts with his own. It also stars Sicilian Man, JoJo GoGo Leverage, Tim Softy and Hellen Parchment. I just love the creative use of CGI accompanied by the beautiful score by Hand Tingler


Love Uber Driver and Air Rail and Road funny movie.


Broden keeps wiping his nose on the back of his hand, someone get him some hankies!


My favourite of recemt years is 'Southern Bond Solves a Suicide' with Arma De Leggis and Yame Bon. It has so many little twisties, crisp nolan would have loved it.

Kylie Jones

I really like the films of the Coe Bros. Some of the favourites of theirs are: The Two Men Named Lebowski (1998) Folk Singer Movie with Minimal Plot, Except for the Thing With the Cat (2013), and Hollywood in the 50s (2016). I also love Taika Dubs, especially New Zealand Boy, (2010), Bigger New Zealand Boy (2016) and Little Nazi Boy (2019). And how could I forget Funny Vampire Movie (2014). It's one of my favourites. Taika Dubs was just announced as the director of the next Star movie, but I'd probably just prefer if he made Another Quirky Movie About a Boy.


My favourite survivalist thriller of 2015 was 'Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar Vehicle'


I like King Jewelry, which is a story about an eye who wants their jewelry back but the King of Jewelry who has his jewel says no and throws it into new Zealand.


i loved "Where's Deano" the film about the fish who gets lost


I love the Forgetful Spy series starring Matt Almost a Grub.


I'm a big fan of the movie "Trees Rump" starring famous Indian actor Otm Shank


I really love 'How We Hang When the Light is Partially Covered' where the kiwi vamp boys hang out being vamp boys


Two of my faves as a kid were “The Dirt Block Group” it was about a group of kids who play baseball on a dirt block and “Small Cunts” which was about a group of kids who played in a shed and raced billy crars, the leade of the Small Cunts was a kid called alphalf.


My personal favorite has to be 'Small Store of Terror'. Mick Romanis was meant for that role. Outstanding acting, it was an excellent role for that dermatologist part. I still quote "How Dangerous is this!?". The same guy who was in 'Flying, Driving, and Rolling' with Jim Sweets.