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For this week's podcast, here is your mandatory viewing to understand the jokes. We have done the sourcing of the clips, so all you have to do is watch them. We did the leg work so really this isn't too much to ask.

3 to 4 episodes of the British 'Weakest Link'

3 to 4 episodes of the Australian 'Weakest Link'

1 or 2 episodes of the US 'Weakest Link' which stars the British host of the British version of the 'Weakest Link'.

1 or 2 episodes of '15 to 1' (early 1988) and 1 or 2 episodes of '15 to 1' (late 2003)

The clip of a man getting a perfect score on '15 to 1'

All of Big Brother (Australia) Season 1

An Essay on the cultural impact of Sarah Marie's Bum Dance (1500 word minimum, no maximum)

A list of 10 occupations where both hands are occupied.

An Essay on why the 'Weakest Link' is part of early 2000s Australian ziegtgeist  (1500 word minimum, no maximum)

Honestly, if you don't do this, this weeks podcasts are going to be way over your head, you won't get the subtlety in the improv, so I guess it's up to you but trust me you will struggle.


Mystery man



Fuck my ATAR, better get on this


Does the word limit include bibliography y/n?


What of I'm blind and deaf? How insensitive to assume my senses.

Jake Sullivan

As an American, I’m always fucking lost so this podcast won’t be any different lmao


What will the weighting of this assignment be for our final grades?


Any chance of a slight extension to the deadline? I’m just snowed under at the moment with my other essays including (but not limited to) “a critical view on the role of cooked eggs in a balanced chicken’s diet”, “maths” and “soft BOILING an egg with facts and logic”


This is more work than I did in my entire uni degree

Kylie Jones

I would like to apply for an academic credit for this course due to my previous formal studies of early 2000s Australian TV as well as life experience. Thank you.


Somebody is actually going to write up a 5000 word thesis on this and the only payoff will be Mark saying “that’s fucked”


I hope to god someone actually does that 5000 word thesis.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_2y-jIXpbqoSvrnznGc_OPAHoEo6S6KuL54zBEHFW6g/edit?usp=sharing I finished my essay on the weakest link


Hey AD, i just wanted to share this part of big brother season 1 where the participants are grooming each other like monkeys - https://youtu.be/58kj5HfO0p4?t=244


I'm so so sorry I'm an essential worker so I just don't have time but to prove that I am down with the 00s search Blue Waffle


i will genuinely be watching all of these


is marks nana ok?


Shameful display of plagiarism. I want this man or woman OUT of the club at once.


I didn’t go to school


Boys I'm nearly upto Hong Kong week on masterchef I'll bookmark this episode for later on


A compilation of all the short haired stern presenter ladies, for your research. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWiEVqD6vh8

Seb Krasnicki

But boys, that's too much. Can't we get an extension? It's just that it's a little unfair, cause I have debating practise tonight, and then my mum's making me go to Wangaratta for the weekend. And I still have an essay due for Bigsofttitty.png. This is bullshit...


Yeh as Seb said can we get an extension??? This is so fucked with covid and everything, I have 666 essays due this week