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Who will take home a coveted 'Donnie' award?

Join us to celebrate another year of excellence in the field of Aunty Donna.

Enjoy legends!


The 2nd Annual Aunty Donna Awards



Hoping for an outsider wins best podcast


Aunty Donna awards before GTA6???


The sun is just coming up over here


I wonder who will win best Mark this year?

Ellie Gunton

I can’t believe I set an alarm for this

Jack Bennett

I have a feeling Aunty Donna are gonna win some, can't be sure though

Jeff Star

Silly Boy prob gonna sweep

Jack Bennett

Broden this is a little too brutal

Brian Schlatman

As long as Mark Banana doesn't win again...

Jon Hamilton

Zachary looks very fetching in his double breasted suit!

Joseph Baskin

Is this a banked episode?

Alex James

Hot damn boys lookin' suave in those suits.

Brian Schlatman

I'm in toronto canada. Its 730 pm june 4th. I can't believe we are watching the future...

Brian Schlatman

I just saw Cowdoy on stage earlier this year! #Fakenews

Matthew Key

Peak donna material

Jack Bennett

RIP 550 Madison Avenue

Lachlan Crane

Fuck been a tough year for the arts. Lost so many of this generations heroes


I can't believe you guys closed the chat.


Outstanding, boys. Hope to see the lecturn win an award at the next one. All the best for Mark's recovery following his traumatic fall.

James Jeffery

my 4th favourite heptannual awards show. I know it's all in good fun, but I am genuinely a little upset at D&D losing. DS9 was amazing, but D&D man. D&D was a transcendental experience. You fuckin dogs. I love you.

James Jeffery

also 11/10 Mr Bungle performance from Mark. Mike Patton would be proud if he were still with us, RIP




Another great year for Aunty Donna! Just a quick word for Broden, I'm British and I've recently got into the footy (partly intrigued into it by you). It came time to pick a team, and this is an arbitrary decision for me of course. But, because I support the Red Devils of Manchester United and because you like the Dee's so much - I chose the Melbourne Demons. And this is locked in now, that's how sports fandom works. So my question for you, Broden Kelly, is this. What have I done?


Do people like these?

Campbell Knox

This was insanely moving - so good to see the boys getting the recognition they deserve

Campbell Knox

I was not ready for that In Memoriam - It's just so shocking to be confronted by the memory of those we've lost along the way.