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I'll be sharing a set of Svala later as well! I took these yesterday in Reykjavik, and she is so good with cold I felt wimpy shivering in my carharrt jacket as she posed in the wet and wind. But I absolutely adore the photos of her, and of all the women I was lucky enough to photograph on this trip.

I'll finally be arriving home tonight after a two week stint in Europe. I'll be also reformatting some things here (simplifying really). So I think that should be good. I also have a ton of travel photos to post (mostly of donuts I ate haha). My internet has not been good enough to do uploads, otherwise I would have shared folders of photos already. So, there will be a huge dump of photos over the next week as I'll have the ability to do all of that!



George Streng

I have not visited my Patreon account recently (doing tax work instead) and did not realize you were even travelling in Europe. I look forward to seeing your posts from your trip - it sounds like it was enriching and productive!


Yes! I just got back the other day and am recovering from jet lag a bit still. It was an amazing trip though very exhausting - I managed to work quite a lot so I'm happy about that.