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I started painting again, and while I'm pretty behind and lost a lot of what I used to have in skill, I'm happy to be doing it again. I used to paint and draw constantly - hours per day until I was in university, where I started as a studio art major. Once I switched to my studies to Russian literature and philosophy, I really stopped doing art for the most part. It's been about seven years since I actively made an effort to paint or draw daily. While it will be difficult while on the road, I'm going to try to start doing more with it...and I'll share updates here too :)




What is *behind* ? Is this a self-judgment of "where I could be ?" For me - if you enjoy it now and feel the impulse to be painting - that is enough - for now ? My suspicion is that you are capable of communicating to me over many and various mediums ? But like your secret trips - not everything must be *lucrative* or *useful* to be *valuable* or even *important* ? Coming to understandings for yourself, as important as communicating to others ? Maybe I am even happier if drawing and painting are things you do primarily - for you ? Know what I mean ? Healthy and happy Liv, is a good thing ! ~ graceful days !


Yes...that's sort of what I'd meant by saying I'm behind. But, at the same time I've loosened up a bit since being in school, which has been very helpful for me from a creative standpoint. So I just am enjoying it right now :)