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The next few days are going to be absolutely wonderful - I'm going to be creating so much art and meeting old friends and family. I just returned home from a really lovely trip to NYC - almost all of my trips to NYC have been really amazing. Wonderful artists, financially beneficial, great food...I know too many people there, so it can be really overwhelming to schedule. I ate home made putanesca at Valentino Scaramella's place on Staten Island, watched Planet Earth with Daniel Anton  after work, had an amazing day-long shoot with Rod Brayman , goofed around and ate little pastries provided by Anthony Alberts  during a half-day shoot, put on jewelry sets and pretended to be a Victorian lady while Michael Berkowitz  hurtled through shooting stacks of large format film, shot some art reference photos for large scale paintings with Carlos Madrid  and his photographer friend Robert Essel , shot instant film portraits with Sandy Ramirez , and went with Jamiya Wilson  to see the Nan Goldin exhibit with me at the MOMA (and I could barely walk there cause of all the pancakes we ate). So, it was a busy week. And that was probably a run-on sentence. And it's too early in the morning for me to worry about fixing it.

I will try to make updates later this week of course...I have another set to upload soon! And I need to start putting together my March travel folder! I've had too much coffee today so far (I never wake up early unless absolutely necessary...read: someone is paying me to wake up early), and I can no longer concentrate. But, I hope you check out the photographers listed above. They all do lovely work, and I'm happy that I have the chance to make a living working with such wonderful people :)




Please to hear you have a good time and expect - anticipate more ! You are an artist I wish to see happy - not *suffer for your art* ? Well more correctly you are an artist I am with - along for the ride - come what may ! Special talent for communicating an array of emotion - for me.


I do hope the voice for Planet Earth was David Attenborough ? Have you seen the lizard chased by vipers ? ~ astounding emotional ride ! Liv, I prefer you seek your interests as your art rather than respond to a hostile thoughtless world. Sometime that world forces its way in and we must react, but I would rather go on the belief a world where we can pursue our own interest - hoping to find a space to live a convivial life. ~ warm and well !