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I've gone through and tried to update some expired links on the page.  It's likely I missed at least a couple. For some reason the links were set to expire - which makes sense to a certain degree as it is older content that hasn't been paid for if making a current pledge. For now, I've tried to update them though.

That being said, I do know many people download the sets. And that's completely fine, but these photos are only for your entertainment/use. So they aren't to be posted/shared at all anywhere else online or otherwise by anyone other than me. Just as a note - I'm sure most here I do know that, but it does bear reiterating I think. There would be issues if I found they were being used for something not approved of by myself.

Okay. Now I am done :)



I've come up with a system for my links. It took me about a month to get it nailed down, but I'd be happy to share it with you if you like 😊 Just drop me a message.


I hope that is the case as well. I am here because I appreciate your work and look upon your offering to share as a gift - even though money is involved. Churlish to me to attempt to gain from your efforts - spoiling the beauty of the relationship. Supporter - not a parasite. ~ be well !


I think I'm just going to not have them expire at all because I'm not going to be "rationing" content in any way. So, it's more irritating to go and change all the links to not be expired haha. Thank you though!