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I left the house yesterday to have a latte and eat a croissant. I bought pencils at the art store as well since I've decided to start drawing once again (photos of drawings will be in the monthly folder of behind the scenes photos as well -link below). I think sometimes I get very stifled and end up staying alone in my apartment when I'm not traveling - like a decompression chamber. But I'm usually only home for 3-5 days at a time, and it's been about two weeks now. So I was definitely in need of outside air, and I realized that when I was sitting in the cafe. I basically had to force myself to remain there as I felt so odd and cut off from everything...humans are naturally pretty social to a certain extent. There's a spectrum of course, but we need contact with other people I think. 

I ordered prints for those of you at the $25 level and up a few days ago...hopefully they arrive soon. I know that they've been sent out to me, and I'm hoping to receive them in time to send them before I leave for Florida in two days. The packages will contain prints for December and January for those of you who have been patrons since last year (welcome to new people and thank you!). I will be posting another self portrait set today as well as shooting some new content for next week. I do have an Airbnb that will be nice to shoot in as well I think, so I will have new content for next week too :)

January folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g7hzecmv09xmtic/AAC5Yi7K93ihrocn9gpOdtVEa?dl=0
