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Today has been a strange day... The first day of the year and so many emails...I've been inside almost all day answering email and phone calls. I went out for an hour and had a blueberry lavender soda and stared at the marble countertop at the bar in a full restaurant. I really do not like sitting at the bar, it's a small annoyance of mine and reminds me of an ex boyfriend I never should have dated and we always sat at the bar. Today I was incredibly hungover. I rarely drink and last night I did. I cannot hold my liquor, and this became very apparent. Today I had a man email me and ask me to work for him for free for at minimum two days, though he says he'd prefer three or four days. There is a very simple answer at least: No. Today I wore my favorite sweater. It has patches on the elbows and pockets. It is warm and very scratchy. I once wore it in Indianapolis to a nightclub with my winter coat and twirled around in circles to whatever sort of music they were playing that was loud and fast paced and made me feel like my insides were somewhere up and thumping on the ceiling and if I twirled fast enough they'd fall back down. Today I made plans to make photos tomorrow. I received a nice tripod in the mail which will help and so this will be my plan for tomorrow. And here is the link for the Dropbox folder of random images I take while traveling/being by myself: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g7hzecmv09xmtic/AAC5Yi7K93ihrocn9gpOdtVEa?dl=0 I hope you are all having a wonderful New Years Day :)




Perhaps it is another example of an effort to see rationality in the world - or at least my behavior in it ? I do like the change of seasons - but not the extremes at either end. The Goldilocks syndrome - not too hot, not too cold - just right ! ~ lovely day for you !