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Every time I travel to Philadelphia, I'm tired and a bit miserable. I have no idea why...yesterday I hopped off the bus, piled with bags, and ran into Penn Station to get a coffee before heading to my first shoot. I like to travel with a box of cereal and as I dumped little handfuls into my mouth, I readjusted my cumbersome outfit composed of sweatpants, wool sweater, corduroy jumper, cotton knit sweater, carhartt jacket, scarf, green socks, and leather boots. Technically, I had on four outfits - two bottoms (dress and pants) times two tops (both sweaters). I have one extra dress and sweater in my bag and I'm good to go for the five days I'll be here. In the afternoon, I shot with an artist going by the alias Sikander. The shots were incredibly interesting and different. He finds his props along the streets - police barricades, a little vintage tricycle, pieces of flyers and ads he likes. He was incredibly kind, and he didn't mind my messy hair (sometimes my hair is very messy in a fly-about-everywhere sort of way. Last night, I met with the artist R.A. Friedman and we shot pinhole photographs on Polaroid - it's s bit of a strenuous process. Essentially, it's s long exposure. The first shot on the Polaroid is when he opens the shutter, allowing light in for 30 seconds. He closes it before opening again for 20 more seconds while "painting" with a handheld light across areas to be better lit in the photo. We shot about 15 of these in addition to art reference photos. Today, I began the morning with a cup of coffee made by R.A. and then shot with Tanya Dakin at his home. She gave me the hat in my poorly lit selfie! Yes, I just took this. I'll post better photos soon, I promise. Next, I shot film and Polaroid with Richard Frost at Scott Worlwide Photo's home (I'll be shooting with him tomorrow). We shot so much hosiery it's unbelievable - vintage garters and fancy figure posing included. I'll be in Philadelphia for a few more days before heading back home. I'll try to keep things updated here as well - along with posting a photo set soon! Of myself and I have two new sets of other models I've shot with recently :)




Oh! But I'm not tired and miserable at all anymore...forgot to add that bit. I quickly recover with caffeinated beverages :)


I do like the hat and *poorly lit* can have its magic ? I like you here - sweater weather is arm around shoulder weather - don't you think ? If arm around the shoulder appeals - from any one ? ~ be warm and well !