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I settled in a bit in Columbus for the past few days before traveling south to visit family. I've been working consistently with Diana for over a year now. We had our first shoot (and one of my very first nude shoots) last October, and since then we must have shot over 50 times. Thousands of photos have been created. I began photographing Diana last winter as well - one of my first models. I think long artistic collaborations are wonderful - I have a few of these relationships at this point. The work is more intimate, it's a more comfortable shooting experience. I prefer this type of relationship for photographing models as well. Perhaps it's because I love intimate work but find bold intimacy from the beginning of a working partnership to be off-putting...though this could be person-dependent and different depending on context. I discussed with Diana the possibility of doing a bit more intimate work at some point soon, and this might be a thing that happens. Though, my feelings about this vary based on the day. I hope you are all having a good week in whatever way you do or do not celebrate.




gorgeous light and pose !