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My mother says I should shave because I probably smell dirty and I ask her if she can smell me. She says I just probably do and I ask again. I ask her if men smell too and if her boyfriends all shave and she says that's different, but it's actually the exact same thing.

When I was eleven I started growing body hair and my mother would have me hold my arms up in the shower so she could shave for me. She said a cut in your armpit really hurts a lot so she'd do it for me until I could. My sister would watch and pretend to shave hers too even though she didn't have any hair yet. One of my friends started shaving when she was six years old because some little boys told her that her little scrawny legs looked like bushes walking around on the playground. My sister and I stopped showering together and making soapy, spike hair dos because my bush was funny. 

I remember attending the birthday party of a girl I didn't know once. I was in Germany for the first time in my life, and a girl I stayed with invited me along. Once we were there, she told me she was confused as to why any of us were invited because none of them were friends with the girl - she leaned over and whispered that the girl didn't shave her legs. I saw and remembered my six year old, freckled friend shaving her legs in kindergarten so boys didn't make fun of her and realized that doesn't go away when you're an adult either. 




Maybe it's just the pool of women I happen to know and follow, but it seems more and more of the models are natural these days (which is a change I am happy to see). Do you see this as a new trend, or am I just commenting from a select pool?


As a side story, I interned at an ecovillage for a couple of months a number of years ago and was very happy to have the opportunity to talk to women who lived a much more natural/hippy/bohemian life. I was curious to know what their experience of the world is and whether they feel the same social pressure as most women to shave, use deodorant, wear makeup, etc. Obviously, at the ecovillage we were existing within a bubble where any of those pressures were not present, but all these women have families and experiences outside of that environment, you know. I'll never forget the answer of one of the women ... I think the topic of deodorant or perfume came up and she told me she's a human animal and as such she rejects the idea that she has to smell like a flower. I thought that was just great! And as for the double standard of not caring what men do but thinking that women who don't shave are somehow to be considered dirty or stinky ... well, I just don't get how anyone can actually reason that one out! Thanks for putting yourself out there, is all I'm saying. It's one of the reasons I follow and support you!

Balzarin Ivan

you are a natural beauty you're beautiful as well😍😘