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I was a bit ashamed when I was sitting at small table, refreshing my phone constantly, looking at the election results. A red haired British woman stared across the table, wondering out loud if Americans would actually elect such a person. And as she sat rolling joints, drinking tea, forgetting that she'd left the gas for the stove on, she said, "they probably will, it's like Brexit, you know?" While Donald Trump was winning the race for the presidency, we amused ourselves with stories about traveling, about sexual exploits, about the strange things that we've done willingly just for an experience. Something to check off some imaginary list. I don't think we even make lists to check off anymore, the things we do are simply added. I couldn't think up some of these things. Donald Trump won, and we continued talking. It's shocking and it's not shocking, and I sort of wonder what type of consequences I'll face from this. Surely far less than the people I know who are gay/lesbian, trans, another race, a religion other than Christianity, etc. People who are "Others" - not straight, white, cisgender men. And even then, for the men who do not support Trump, they'll likely face some fear in sympathizing with loved ones. Of course I'm not hoping for failure in the next four years, hoping for a failure seems a bit like wanting to watch the world burn. But, in being entirely realistic, I cannot imagine how this will go well in any way. I've already decided to get an iud, I know many women who have. Just in case - and I'm one of the lucky ones who has this option. But I'm worried. I'll just say this for now. I'm sad and worried. I'll be doing more self portraits soon and will attempt to start adding Dropbox folders from mobile. I think I can do it :)
