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They updated this site! I cannot stand it!

Ah well. I haven't minded any of the previous changes, but I don't know about this one! It looks like facebook now? Has anyone else noticed this?

But, I did post a new set of photos that I really like the other day! I finally caught the pretty morning sunlight in my room over the weekend - which was good because every morning since then has been dark, dreary, and in most cases, stormy. I prefer the stormy weather, but for indoor photos, the sun is better for me. I've had a nice time sitting inside doing embroidery at 7am watching the storm from the window though. 

Prints will be on the way shortly for those at the $25 and $50 levels as well! They are currently printing!

I hope you are all doing well! It is the last month of summer, and I'm excited for my absolute favorite season, autumn. 



I don't like how generic the new updates feel. It IS a little easier to switch between Patron / Creator view, but otherwise...meh. Envious of that stormy weather. 🖤⛈️

Nick Gonzales

When it's actually shining, the Oklahoma sun seems to like you – "Early Rising" and "Dreams" are both fantastic, with completely different moods to them.


Yeah, it just reminds me of the UI of every single other site. Are the all hiring the same design team? It's not difficult to use, and I've already adjusted...but I'd think updates would make things far better haha.