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I'm going to be posting an update on my site tomorrow about my move along with photos. It was pretty stressful, but it's now over and I'm pretty much completely unpacked. I'm living in a small house in Oklahoma now. I'm working on settling in - though my cats are already pretty comfy. Taking them on a 20 hour drive across the United States was a bit hectic to say the least! But I will post more details tomorrow.

Sorry I've been a bit absent. Tomorrow I get my internet installed finally, and I have quite a bit of catching up to do on here, email, and my job for the attorney I work for. 

But I hope you are all doing well, and I'm looking forward to sharing more about recent life events with everyone here :)



Oklahoma - practically neighbors. I'm in the mountains of New Mexico. Wish you the best.


Love your Bridget Errante set.


Thank you!! She took so many really lovely photos - most of which I'm going to be posting this weekend. The film photos she did are my favorites though, but I think quite a few people here are going to like the color digital work!


Oh that's interesting! New Mexico sounds really lovely - one of my best friends has property out there near Santa Fe. One day I'm hoping to travel that way.