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It's interesting - I've used this dress in so many photoshoots over the years that I've completely lost count. But this is only my second time that I can recall using it myself. I really love how sheer it is in these images. The set is uploaded to the $12 page, and some previews are on the $3.

I also need to do a journal entry soon. It's been a bit of a crazy month, and next month is going to be even worse. I've recently made what a lot of people are telling me is an insane life choice (about moving), but that I feel really at peace with. And that dissonance is sort of frightening in a way - and it reminds me quite a bit of how I felt when I began modeling back in 2015 (it's been almost a full 7 years in August!). 

So that will be coming soon. Maybe you will all think I'm crazy too! We will see!



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