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Living in NYC makes me feel like I'm consistently existing within some strange, tragic comedy of errors. I should just devote a whole journal post to this. I will likely do that tomorrow.

But I finally got the technical equipment necessary to retouch images so I can post them, and it was haphazardly thrown into the hallway of my building. No one rang my bell despite my being home the entire time. Just tossed in. Hopefully it works!

This is my constant experience here. At this point it's just amusing. I suppose this is better than my last apartment building in Brooklyn where almost every single package was stolen, and people would break into the building to pry open the mailboxes to steal all of the mail as well. Oh, and someone got stabbed in the hallway on my last day there and there were blood spatters all over the stairwell. Did I ever post about that? I didn't even live in a typically dangerous area. So yes, having my things thrown through the building hallway is better than that.

I will be posting photos soon!

Oh, and not to brag, but I thought I'd quickly announce that I'm making Sloppy Joe's tonight and everyone should be very jealous. For I make the best Sloppy Joe's in human existence. For the Europeans here, the Sloppy Joe is a sandwich. The filling is ground beef that has been cooked with spices, ketchup, mustard, worcestershire sauce, and some people put in onions (gross, I do not do this abominable thing). And some people also put a good cheddar cheese on their sammich. But basically it is tasty groundbeef on a bread bun and that is all. Incredible, truly. 

Here's the recipe I use: https://laurenslatest.com/sweet-and-spicy-white-cheddar-sloppy-joes/

The buns she used in her article look like trash though. Everyone knows that the cheap sesame buns are the best buns next to homemade buns. These "fancy, healthy" buns are always a terrible disappointment and should be avoided at all costs! Whole wheat buns are illegal in my house when it comes to sammiches. They are heinous and to be avoided for tasty meals. 



Nick Gonzales

For a post about a package arriving, you're taking us on a rollercoaster of emotions, Liv, from horror at your old hallway to craving for a delicious sloppy joe. 😅


I did not think about it, but this is pretty accurate. That was quite a range of events to put into a couple of paragraphs. And all below a photo of me sitting half naked in a window.