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I posted a set of these portraits at my $12 level since most people who responded wanted to see them! 

I'm also busy shooting self portraits today that I should have posted by tomorrow! I've been surprisingly busy lately, so it's been difficult to set aside time to do them sadly. I've been doing a lot more maternity shoots, as well as modeling for photographers in NYC and for art classes again. And in the last week a few friends came to town to visit, and my sister was preparing to leave for JAG school (military lawyer training). So I've been trying to see everyone while working.

And, we've also been trying to actually go out and do things before they start making you show QR codes in NYC. It's sort of a funny thing here, because everyone thinks it'll just be that paper covid card you must show, but a few places are openly starting to say they want people to have the digital pass (exelsior pass in NYC). Many of the vaccinated people I know won't do the QR code - my sister told me she'd flat out refuse to participate in a digital passport. I know I won't be installing that on my phone either, so I guess we'll see how this goes. I'm thinking of purchasing a Nokia brick phone for use outside my apartment haha - just having that and only using the smartphone at home for apps and not having a phone plan for it at all. I don't tend to engage in a lot of the tech stuff outside of necessities to do my work, so I'm not strapped in to all the tech stuff. But a lot of it is getting very weird, so I find myself wanting to disengage more every day. Right now my only real security things are having a VPN on all my devices, using duckduckgo instead of google, a faraday bag for my phone (need to get one for my computer). Those are the only two piece of tech I own. But it still doesn't feel like enough.

And I'm hearing rumors that they might lock us down again in NYC - although there is noticeably no talk of stimulus money or extra unemployment. Guess I should order toilet paper now? Still can't believe people lost it like that over toilet paper last time - a thing that isn't even a necessity if you have running water. 

So we're preparing for that possibility. Several of my friends have now left the city or are preparing to move to the Southwest or Florida. I'm also at a point where if it gets bad enough, we might also try to move south. A thing I never thought I'd say in my life: "Let's move to Miami." Seriously, never thought I'd think such a thing, but I'm just tired of it here. I remember a guy I know who was crapping all over Florida during the height of the pandemic while he was vacationing there? Quite a few New Yorkers have done this over the past year - they talk about how awful Florida is and then try to spend as much time there as possible. Incredible, really. 

I might have time to do projects I've not had time for if we have another lockdown? But I'll also be broke, so I'm not really happy about it still. That being said, sewing machine and puzzles here I come if this happens! 



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