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I split the photos into two sets though because it made more sense in terms of lighting!

But they are both posted to the $12 site, and some previews are on the $3 site :)

I hope you are all doing well! I have three shoots in the next week, but I'm going to be trying to post more self portraits in between all of that!




What’s new password please $12Warren


Hi Warren! I'll message you - it hasn't changed though. I'm going to be changing them in a couple of days


Manhattan I and II are wonderful! When I was thirteen I visited my older sister who lived in the Village. Today is her birthday and I have fond memories of that time long ago brought back by your Live Summer set. So, greetings and much love from Pie Town, New Mexico, and thanks!


I am rather envious of living in New Mexico! Having some sort of nature around would be so wonderful. Though I'm very happy it's finally warm enough here to do a lot of things outside (and it's not raining every day). I'm happy you like the sets!