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I’ve been modeling again for art classes! I’m pretty happy to have some work to do that is on a time schedule as I’ve felt a bit lost after not having a consistent schedule fir the past year.

I also began working as a part time studio assistant at Matka Studios in Brooklyn. Im excited to be kinda working regularly!

Here’s my little work station for today. I hope everyone is having a good day! I’ll be posting new self portraits in the next few days, and prints are being sent out by Saturday to those of you at the print levels :)




Happy to hear happy news, Liv !


I understand having regular work. Being retired and with somewhat low expenses out here in mountains of New Mexico (near Pie Town, and yes, we do have Pie!), I have part time work delivering water to others who live out here. I affords me landscape views, not of building but of trees, cows, coyotes, elk, deer, and antelope. Haven't seen antelope and deer playing together but maybe I'm just reading into that song. Well, you are wonderful and I have enjoyed your photos and photographs for I reckon seventeen years or so having first found you on Flickr and Tumblr. Glad to support you in my own small way. Love from the high country.


That sounds really beautiful. I have really envied people who live out in more rural areas during the last year. I really miss being able to go out in nature - I'm happy you get to often. And yes, I started tumblr (though I don't have one now) around 2015. So it's been over half a decade!