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I did more self portraits today that I'm currently working on in lightroom. I had lines all over my legs from my clothes, and then suddenly I saw pretty light and hurried to clear everything off of this antique chest I have to do photos. So I am currently retouching lines off of my legs so that I can post them - a tedious process!

Also, I am waiting on both my november and december prints so that I can send them out. I think the above print will be one of the $25 prints for January btw - I only include one print at that level, but as most people at those levels know, I tend to go overboard and send 2-3 per month haha.

So! Once I finally get all the prints (the postal service is, apparently, having issues right now due to overwhelming volume), I will be sending them.

And I will post these as soon as I'm done retouching! 




Excited to know things are coming ! As ever - for me - your timetable is just fine !


Lovely work as always Liv, and always appreciate the gems that show up in the mail now and again.


I'm happy you like them! I am sad that the shipping is currently so slow though. I was hoping to have prints sent out in time for Christmas, but it's looking as if this might not happen sadly.