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And it was THE MOST INFURIATING documentary I've ever sat through, and I just needed to type that out because of all the intense rage I have for this documentary.

It's called Abducted in Plain Sight (click title to go to a summary article).

It is absolutely unbelievable. I've never seen a documentary like this in my life. It's about a little girl who ends up abducted twice, and in my personal opinion, it's due to some serious negligence on her parents' part (seriously, the mom needs to get dropped into the middle of the Pacific and left there).

Okay, I am done now. I'm going to go upload photos.




Wow. I'm not sure whether to watch it to see what you mean, or to avoid it like the plague. :(


It is, by far, the most infuriating documentary I have ever watched. And I've probably watched 2-3 documentaries per week for the last few years. I about threw my laptop out the window it was so ridiculous. It's interesting, but crazy.


Ah man... just read the summary. whyyyy, howww..