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Yesterday I had a 14 hour day. I started the day going to Manhattan for a photo shoot, then back to The Florence Academy in Jersey City for a session, and then on to another session at The Jersey City Art School. Then I went home and listened to true crime podcasts in the bathtub for way too long. Happy to have today off :)

These drawings are by an artist with no social media to tag, and I do not know his full name. But he let me take photos to share :)




Are you able to listen to podcasts when modeling - any ambient sound or music playing ever ? Your sessions - I am curious what the atmosphere is like - any variance from time to time or place or group ? I like these also - glad you shared them ! ~ warmest water in your tub !


At this point I cannot. I am thinking of getting wireless ear phones to see if that would work. It can become awfully boring to stand in one spot for 3+ hours each day over the course of weeks (sometimes in the same pose!). There is a lot of variance between groups though. For this group (with the drawings above), it's far more laid back than my usual job at The Florence Academy. It's not as structured, the people who attend are doing so in their free time for fun, and there's music (some people even bring their own beer haha). At The Florence Academy, it's silent except for the teacher critiquing student work, it's a strict environment with a lot of rules (the students are not allowed to make conversation with me, for example), and the goal is to reform technique and practice to a level that is incredibly skillful.