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Link: https://livsageasmallwoman.pixieset.com/aroomtomyself/




May I say you support the beating of my heart and the vitality of my brain ! I have been somewhat dismissive of images created with instax technology but you are able to coax me into extending the benefit of doubt long enough for you to show me reason for a different opinion ! Delightful day creating or resting as the case may be !


Thank you for your latest LENS barrage - my response: "I love you, Liv !" A human I certainly embrace !


I tend to be dismissive of a lot of instax as well, but I really like the square one. I can turn off the flash (which is absolutely heinous), I can set a timer for self work, and the film quality seems a bit more consistent than some of the polaroid stuff - and I don't have to store it in my refrigerator!