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I took more instax self portraits today that I already scanned. I'll upload them soon.

It's been a really busy month. I began modeling at The Florence Academy 6-8 hours per day, and that's been really wonderful but also taken up a lot of time. I'm really happy with it though as it will enable me to travel far less. As of now, I'm scheduled through the end of January there, and I'm likely going to also stay put for February. I might travel in March for a few days to see some photographers who book me for full day shoots, but, other than that, I'll be at home. 

I've been eating out a bit with a new friend, and I've also been cooking a lot at home. I feel a lot better physically than I have in a long time. I walk all the time, I have more energy despite working more hours per day, and I feel more comfortable with the work I've been doing for artists at the school than 75% of the photography gigs I've taken to pay bills in the past. I miss working with my favorite people, but I'll still be traveling every so often on weekends to see them. I was also just contacted by Zach Weston, so in the summer I might be modeling in Wyoming for the Weston workshop. I've been wanting to go to that part of the country for a while, so I'm happy about that.

I also have been able to do self portraits more consistently. Right now, I'm thinking about trying to find a good outdoor location I can get to. There's a rental car place down the street, so getting a car and driving somewhere (despite crazy New Jersey drivers) wouldn't be too bad. It would be nice, once the weather is a bit better in the spring, to be able to drive somewhere and work on outdoor nudes again.

My big plan for this week is to do my laundry. Which, yes, I know is not a huge plan. But, when you are 90 pounds and must carry a big basket of stuff up and down three flights of stairs a few times, it feels like a big plan. Next goal is putting it all away before my cats sit on all of it. 

I might be hosting one of my favorite models this week too! Monique Poses might stay! I'm hoping so in any case and will keep you updated if she does and if we shoot! I'm super excited to see her and hang out in any case.

It's also almost the end of the month! Prints and books have been shipped already, but I'm also working on my folder of travel photos for you! I'm excited to upload those soon :)




Laundry toting is a pain, especially if flights of stairs are involved, I try not to do more than two baskets at one time ? I hope the food is good - eating out ? I think it is good you are staying around for a bit - I worry to feel rootless - these are such rootless times, I think ? Rootless is not so bad if one feels a citizen of the world , but so much of it is an unfriendly place ? ~ warm and well !


Wow! When my friend Steve sends me his writing, I always read it in his voice. Knowing now how you sound, I read all of your writings in your voice. Same with Sagan, Asimov & Neil Peart. You’re in good company, Liv!😁


I do one basket haha - I have three flights to go up and down, and I have no upper body strength so it's difficult. But, clean laundry is amazing!