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Exhausted but doing really well, surprisingly. I've been modeling now for 6-9 hours per day at an art school nearby where I live. I'm pretty happy about it as that was one of my main reasons for moving to this area in the first place.

So, I'm sore in the hip and knee joints particularly after doing long poses - at this specific school, there are only long poses (2-3 hours per class, and generally 10-30 classes per pose). I walk to the school everyday, so while it's been nice to have the extra exercise, I'm also a lot more tired than usual. Right now, I'm kinda hobbling about on a very sore right hip from a few sessions, and it's rather annoying as I walk so much slower this way.

I went to a nude photoshoot with male photographers last night for the first time in a couple of weeks, and while it was fine, suddenly things I'd been aware of but acted nonchalant about started to annoy me - offering me liquor, acting strange when I refused, talking about their personal dating lives, asking personal questions about me, etc. It was suddenly odd. I don't know why that was...perhaps I'm becoming used to, even after a couple of weeks, to sitting quietly for hours and then going home. With sore joints, okay, but not a completely sour disposition that only aids in my being completely cynical.

Also, I hate whiskey. I hate it - all of it, every kind. I can't even smell it without being grossed out. I wish they'd stop offering me that particular kind. It makes me gag thinking about it hahaha. Not that it's reasonable of me, but I really dislike the taste. I also hate rum, tequila, cognac, brandy...basically I can stomach gin and vodka in mixed drinks. Beyond that, hold on while I barf.

But, I'm going to try to shoot self portraits this weekend using my digital camera! My prints for the month are on the way, I'm waiting for some of my books to ship...I'm upset it's taking so long. I have a favorite model friend staying here right now - Maya Tihtiyas - so perhaps we'll work together too :)



I don't know if this stiffness and soreness goes away or gets better in this profession ? Rather unnatural for a living being to become a mannequin ? Maybe yoga practice could help ? Maybe you need placards like, "I don't drink, please don't ask." ? This morning I put up my parking warning marker again - ripped down recently. Vandals like to mess with things when no one is watching - that is no one but fellow vandals ? A big baseball game here tonight - I will be thinking of my parking spot all day at work. Hope I have a place to put my car when I get home ? I hope you have a wonderful weekend !


Any glucosamine/chondroitin combo will help. The liquid form is easier to take than pills. It helped me be able to throw a football again.🏈


I’m not sure if it does - I hope so! I’ve gotten a lot more physical activity in the past month being home and working there, so I’m hoping it’s just new muscles working or something? Hopefully so. I hope you don’t have your parking space stolen and you have a lovely weekend too! :)